As a church we want to express our devotion to Jesus particularly in 4 things (as expressed in Acts 2v42):
Revelation - “devoted to the apostles’ teaching”
Jesus is God revealing himself in history to all people for all time and, by his Spirit, he continues to reveal himself as his word written, the Bible, is read and understood.
We therefore want … his word to be central in all we do and ‘dwell richly’ among us, so that he shapes and directs our lives in all things for his glory.
Responsibility - “devoted to the partnership”
Jesus’ death and resurrection proclaim him to be Lord of all people everywhere. We all have a stake in fulfilling his standing orders to make disciples for him from all nations.
We therefore want … to partner together in selfless, sacrificial service for the sake of other’s salvation, proclaiming the Lord Jesus boldly, sensitively and engagingly to those he brings into our lives.
Relationships - “devoted to the breaking of bread”
Jesus revolutionises lives, calling us to become part of his new community as an anticipation of his eternal plan to unite all things under him.
We therefore want … to be committed to one another as adopted sons and daughters of our heavenly Father - broken, flawed, messed up and in need of his grace - welcoming and selflessly serving one another, especially in sharing life together.
Reliance - “devoted to the prayers”
Jesus calls his people to bear fruit for him as we abide in him and his words abide in us and apart from him we can do nothing.
We therefore want … to acknowledge our complete dependence upon him in expectant prayer so that he is at work in us and through us.