“When it is sown, it grows." - Mark 4v32
In Mark 4 Jesus tells 3 stories: There’s the tale of the seed in 4 different soils, the story of seed growing and, last, the parable of the mustard seed. Each is a story about seed sown and each is a story about growth, the growth of God’s kingdom. How does that come about?
The kingdom is grown by the word sown.
Jesus’ explanation makes it clear; the seed is the word (v14) of his kingdom - that he is the king and we need to turn to him and trust him - and, as that message is sown in the lives of individuals, so it will bring about a bumper harvest of people who've made Jesus their king/ruler/master/boss.
One great way of sowing the word is getting together with a friend to discuss a gospel - like a mini book group. It's simple and straightforward - just discovering, exploring and discussing the text together.
Here are some useful resources which may help to get started...
The Word One to One is a resource designed to walk you and a friend through John's Gospel. It is designed in a way that anyone can use it. Everything you need is contained in the resource - which available as a book to purchase or as a download.
Uncover provides attractive and accessible discussions for Mark, Luke and John's gospels.
The Swedish Method is a helpful way to open up any Bible passage together with someone else and begin to discuss it together. Here's the summary card which can be printed out for a get-together.
Alternatively 321 is a course that invites you to see life the way Jesus does. Inspired by Jesus’ vision of reality, 321 is designed to help you think about God, the world and yourself through immersive videos and thoughtful illustrations. It is designed for anyone who has questions about life, meaning and purpose. Available on any internet connected device for discussion, perhaps over a coffee together.